Coaching for Professionals

Therapists, Educators, Physicians, and other professionals who work with families frequently battle to get the attention and involvement of fathers, husbands, partners, stepfathers, and other men in families.

Men's expert and author Joe Kelly consults with and coaches professionals with effective strategies to mobilize and utilize this un- and under-tapped natural resource.

Hear Joe describe his approach in this The Role of Male Loved Ones in Treatment and Recovery from Eating Disorders podcast.

Drawing on extensive research, he can advise you on working with particular male clients, and any client's male loved ones.

Put this natural resource to work for you now!

"After working with Joe, my attitude and approach changed. I now expect and demand that my client's male loved ones participate in and support treatment. I don't settle for 'I'm too busy' excuses anymore. And I'm seeing results for my clients, as they get more (and more effective) support from husbands, fathers, etc. It's made a big difference."

Kitty Westin, MA, LP

Call 510.423.0553 to set up a consultation today!

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